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Is SnoofyBee a Scam? See the Review

SnoofyBee located at is not a scam, it is instead, an innovative and original changing pad that makes diaper changes less of a wrestling match, and more of an easy and mess-free experience for parents, as well as an enjoyable one for babies.


About SnoofyBee

Mike and Amy Perry, from Albany, Oregon, first came up with the idea for SnoofyBee when their first child was six months old. As soon as his diaper came off the never-ending curiosity, that all babies have resulted in his hands shooting down to investigate. Faced with that daily bout of wrestling, Mike and Amy resorted to tag-teaming the opposition. But they hated it, the little one hated it, and they searched for a product that had been designed to make diaper changes far less of a battle.

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