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Is TinderPals a Scam or Untrustworthy Dating Website?

TinderPals and Datemeverify located at and respectively appear to be untrustworthy dating websites impersonating legitimate dating website Both the TinderPals and Datemeverify domain names were registered in Bulgaria on 2020-01-29 (53 days ago), which make them new websites. And, that is all I know about the websites. The websites' domain information, like the company's names, telephone numbers, and addresses are hidden by a third party whois domain privacy service.


About TinderPals

When you go to it takes you to, which claims they can provide a fast and secure service for meeting people on tinder safely and easily.

If I do not know the address of a company, telephone number or name of the company, I will not use by credit card on it. This because I cannot tell who is charging my card or who will receive my personal or financial information.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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