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Spremify Scam: Fake Spotify Premium Account for Free

Spremify at is a scam. The website attracts visitors by claiming to offer free Spotify Premium account for free. But, the scammers behind the fake website generate income by tricking online users into visiting spam websites, completing surveys, sharing or commenting on the scam. But, it doesn't matter how many surveys the visitors complete, websites they visit, or how often they share or comment on, they will never get the free Spotify Premium account they were promised.


About Spremify

In the image below, askes visitors to complete surveys in order verify they are humans, but completing the surveys will only generate revenue for the scammers. And, the visitors will never receive the service they were promised. Also, the Spremify would have already stolen their email addresses.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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