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Tyler Perry Scam on Social Media: Beware

If you receive any form of communication from someone claiming to be Tyler Perry or an official representative of Tyler Perry Studios, please verify their authenticity before responding or taking any further action. An easy way to confirm the authenticity of a social media account is to look for a verified badge which appears next to the account name. For more detailed information please see the official pages for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter that detail verified accounts.


The following are the official social media accounts and websites of Tyler Perry and Tyler Perry Studios:

Neither Tyler Perry nor Tyler Perry Studios will ever ask you to pay for activities such as auditions, contest entries, etc. Any official messaging or announcements will be featured on one of the official channels listed above, so please always check our website or social media accounts to stay up-to-date on the latest happenings.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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