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1926 South 67th Street Suite 250 Omaha Nebraska 68106 Address used by Fake Stores

The address 1926 South 67th Street, Suite 250, Omaha, Nebraska 68106 is being used by some fake online stores. The fake stores lure potential victims to them with low prices and then trick them into placing orders. The fake stores will never send the orders and will not answer emails or phone calls. Therefore, unsatisfied online users who have shopped from a fake store using the same address, are asked to contact their bank or financial institution to have their transactions canceled and money refunded.


A Fake Store Using the Address


Address: 1926 South 67th Street, Suite 250, Omaha, Nebraska 68106

Telephone: +12563695004


Although the address is being used by fake online stores, it could be a legit location for some business, but it being used by the fake stores without the legit business' consent. Scammers usually use some random addresses and pretend as if their businesses are located there. They use this trick to gain their potential victims' trust because it makes the businesses look legit.

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