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An anti-cybercrime community alerting the public.

Online Threats in the Digital Age

There is an explosive growth in information, with 2.5 quintillion bytes of data being generated each day. There is a concurrent rise in the threat landscape and a reduction in the efficacy of security solutions. Recent data breaches such as the infamous Ashley Madison case have demonstrated that in the age of big data and interconnected devices, data is vulnerable to theft like never before.


Cyber attacks take place due to a variety of reasons, ranging from terrorism, financial gains, ideological positioning and just the thrill of it.

Responding to cybercrime is challenging because the dice is loaded heavily in favor of the cyber criminals. Equipped with nothing but a laptop, these criminal minds can potentially wreak havoc on individuals and organizations. Cyber protection has acquired an added urgency for individuals and organizations alike, given the breathtaking rise in connected devices such as smart refrigerators, lighting systems and autonomous automobiles.

Response to Cyber Crime

Cyber crimes are becoming more heinous and commonplace with each passing day. Eternal vigilance and a multi-prolonged strategy are a must to tackle the menace of cyber crime.

Creating Awareness

A comprehensive campaign on cyber security is necessary to highlight the impact of cyber activity and the need to secure computers, tablets and mobile devices. Cyber security education should focus on the basics such as the use of strong passwords, timely system updates and swift response to viruses, malware and spyware. It can take place through multiple channels such as online lectures and demos, educative banners and SEO agency marketing campaigns.

Security Policy

A workable security policy is a good starting point in dealing with security threats. Such a policy should necessarily focus on three main areas viz. what information is classified as sensitive, who has access to this information and what needs to be done in the event of a security breach. A system of well-defined protocols would help in responding to a security situation in a swift and efficient manner.


Data encryption is the first step in ensuring that the stolen or intercepted data is difficult to use. In this method, the information is coded in such a manner that only authorized individuals can read and use it. Encryption techniques can be deployed across emails, documents and other data.


In authentication, one party in a transaction proves its identity to the other. A common authentication technique is the simple username and password combination. An advanced two-factor authentication has been gaining popularity in the face of increasing security challenges and this could either take the form of a USB key plus the username/password technique, or a one-time password sent to an authorized mobile number or an email address to verify a particular transaction.

At the end of the day, there is no full-proof solution to the data security conundrum, making it a challenge to keep data safe and secure the ecosystem of connected devices and systems from fraud, theft and espionage. Cyber security is a continuous process and is one area of information technology where you are never, ever done.

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