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Top 3 Traffic Ticketing Scams and How to Avoid Them

Getting a traffic ticket is unpleasant, but getting one that is fake is even worse. Instead of being in trouble with the law, you could be roped into a traffic ticket fraud scheme. These ticket scammers prey on drivers all over the country, defrauding them through various schemes, most of which include identity theft, stealing cash, and installing malware and viruses on victims' devices.

Most people often try their best to avoid having unpaid tickets, which may cost them additional costs in the long run. Therefore, to avoid being arrested or losing their cars, most drivers rush to pay and end up falling victim to the scammers.

If you find yourself in any of these scams, it is crucial to seek the support of some of the best traffic ticket lawyers you can find. However, if you are keen, you can be able to identify these scammers.

Similarly, you should always pay close attention to identify authentic parking tickets from fake ones. Check out these top 3 traffic ticketing scams you need to watch out for.

How Can You Avoid Some of the Most Common Traffic Scam Schemes?

1. Encounters with Fake Parking Attendants

It's common for many parking lots to deploy parking attendants to collect money from drivers during large events. In such events, you should always be cautious about who you hand over your parking payment to.

Some of the attendants might just be fraudsters who've spotted an opportunity to cheat people out of their cash. Afterwards, you may come back to your vehicle and find your car ticketed or, even worse, towed away.

2. Parking Tickets Scam Through Email

If you receive a parking ticket in your email inbox, there is a high chance it's fake. The email usually comes in the form of a notice with a past due ticket and may resemble the tickets used by the city's parking ticket department.

The email may contain a link that insists you click on it to pay or risk heftier fines. The fraudulent ticket will usually not display any descriptions about your vehicle, plate number, or other important details.

Clicking on this link will redirect you to a page that almost resembles the state's traffic department page, where you'll be pushed to pay for the ticket. If the individual has hacked into your emails, they may also have access to all your other important information. If you are unsure about the email, don't click on anything. Open a new browser and go to the city website to determine if you have any unpaid tickets.

3. Finding a Counterfeit Ticket Placed on Windshield

You may run into a fake parking ticket after making a quick stop in a parking space that seems fine to park on, but to your surprise, a ticket appears on your windshield. It may look like a legit ticket from the city but could lead you to a fraudulent website that allows scammers to steal your sensitive information.

Ensure you double-check any ticket you find on your car and that you are on the right webpage before making any traffic ticket payment.

Staying Observant and Well informed Will Save You a Lot of Cash

Scammers will always be there, more so in the online world as we continue to venture into this digital era. All you can do is try your best not to fall prey to these schemes.

However, if the damage is already done, there are legal ways to seek help and get litigation for any losses caused.

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