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0240171049 Scam Call and Voicemail - 02 4017 1049

If you get an automated call from 0240171049 claiming to be from the Australian Tax Office(ATO), threatening arrest and legal action, please do not follow the callers' instructions. This is because the calls are being made by scammers who are attempting to trick their potential victims into contacting them.


If contacted, the scammers will pretend to be from the taxation office and attempt to trick potential victims into disclosing their personal and financial information to them, which they will use fraudulently. The scammers will also ask potential victims to send them money via cryptocurrency, pre-paid credit cards or gift cards.

If you receive an ATO phone call, text message or voicemail from 02 4017 1049 or other telephone numbers, don't send payment or provide any personal information. Hang up and delete the message.

The ATO will never:

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