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5 Types of Cyber Security Threats

As technology advances, so does the sophistication of cyber-attacks. A website about resume writing provides advice on how to combat each type of threat. Also, the threat landscape has evolved to include many different threats, including both automated an manual attacks. Threat actors range from entire countries trying to hack into specific networks to individual hackers targeting individuals through social media. One person or organization can't combat all possible forms of cyber-attacks. Resume writing service is another option if you want to learn more about cyber security.

However, understanding the different types of threats helps to identify possible methods of protection against each one. A Resume Writing Lab can help you learn more about the different types of cyber security threats. The website shows examples and offers tips and advice to help you better prepare for your next job.

What's Cyber Security Threat?

It refers to using computers and the internet to gain access to an organization's data, generally to extract and gain unauthorized access. Cyber security threats include viruses, spyware, malware, ransomware, denial of service attacks and many more. Undetected cyber security threats can lead to the loss of sensitive information such as passwords and credit card numbers. However, companies that monitor their networks for unauthorized activity may also detect cyber security threats. Cyber Security threats can be categorized into 5 types:

1) Malware

Malicious software is one of the most popular and dangerous forms of cyber-attacks. Hackers often use malware as the initial step in gaining access to sensitive information, like passwords and credit card documents. Once the hacker obtains this information, you can use it for malicious purposes. Many different kinds of malware can affect an individual computer or a network. Some examples include viruses, spyware and Trojan horses/backdoors.

2) Phishing

It refers to the act of sending out emails or instant messages which appear to be from reputable companies, like banks or online shopping websites. These emails may contain links that direct the reader to fake official-looking web pages which ask for their user name and password, credit card information or other personal data. The idea behind this type of attack is that the user is tricked into providing their sensitive information without thinking twice. This type of attack is very dangerous because it's often hard to tell whether a website is fake or not.

3) Denial of Service Attack

This form of attack involves the disruption of service provided by a host connected to the internet, either through crashing or flooding the host's system with requests. It results in the host's inability to provide its service, like websites or online banking services. In some cases, the distributed denial of service (DDoS) method is used in which attackers unleash a large volume of requests from multiple sources to overwhelm the target.

4) Spoofing

Spoofing is the attempt by an attacker to gain access to a computer system or network by posing as an authorized user. This form of cyber-attack is especially dangerous because it involves tricking people into giving up their information instead of using malware, making it harder for companies to detect. Fraudulent emails are often sent to victims to trick them into giving up their sensitive information.

5) Social Media: Hacking and Corporate Espionage

Online social media platforms can be dangerous for businesses and employees alike. Hackers take advantage of the open nature of these networks to gain access to individuals’ accounts or even entire companies by hacking into official company pages online. Corporate espionage takes advantage of social media networks to gather information about a business's competitors, which you can sell to competitors.

How Can you Protect your Company?

Knowing what cyber security threats are out there is half the battle, but there are also simple ways that companies can prevent data loss due to cyber-attacks. One method for protecting an organization's sensitive information is establishing an Information Security Management System (ISMS). It includes planning, organizing, controlling and monitoring all aspects of data security. Having specific computer systems used only for critical business activities can also help reduce the risk of intrusion by hackers. For example, if your company doesn't require employees to use personal social media accounts for work purposes, it would be wise to implement internet usage policies to limit the access gained by using these sites.


Cyber security threats are an increasing concern in today's world. Hackers often use malware, phishing and other types of attacks to bypass the security systems put in place by companies to access their sensitive data. These attacks can cause serious financial loss for individuals and organizations alike, but knowing these attacks is essential to reducing one's risk of becoming a cyber-security victim.

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