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Venmo Scam Alert Messages - Payment Sent by Mistake

Yesterday I received an $800 deposit on Venmo from a complete stranger followed almost immediately by 2 messages asking me to send the money back because it was sent by mistake. I was s.about to send back the money but I know when I send money on Venmo I check and double check that I am paying the right person. So I did a bit of research.


During my research, I found out there is a scam going around where people send strangers money and convince you to give it back. Saying it was an honest mistake etc. The main problem is the scammer is making a payment with a stolen credit card. When you pay them back they dissappear.

Weeks later when the credit card holder disputes the charges you have to pay them.

Since there is no real fraud protection on Venmo the best action I have found through googling is to do nothing. Do not pay the scammer back and just leave the money in your account because eventually the credit card company will have it removed automatically when they notice it.

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