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Projector with Flashlight App Scam for Android and iOS

There are malicious apps claiming Android and iPhone users can use their phone's flashlight as a projector, but this is not possible. You cannot turn your phone into a projector using its flashlight. The aim of the cybercriminals behind the malicious apps is to trick their potential victims into downloading and installing them because they can be used to spy on victims and steal their personal and financial information. They can also be used to trick potential victims into visiting spam websites that trick them into buying unwanted services and products by promising them something in return.


None of the Flashlight projector apps are available in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, they are only available for downloading from untrustworthy websites or servers. But, why is this so? This is because Google and Apple will never allow them in their app stores. This is why the safest place to download apps are in the Google Play and Apple App stores. It is not recommended to download apps outside the store, if you do so, you are taking unwanted risks, which may cost you.

If you have already downloaded a Flashligh Video Project app, please remove or uninstall it from your device. And, remove any unwanted or strange apps that you were instructed to download by the Flashlight Project app.

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