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01606 Area Code Scam Calls from Northwich

Scammers calling potential victims from Northwich 01606 area code telephone numbers pretending to be their internet service provider, attempting to convince potential victims into giving them access to their PCs or make a payment over the phone. The scammers will claim there is a problem with their potential victims' broadband and claim their service will be disconnected. The scammers will then attempt to trick them into sending, which they will claim is for payment, or give them remote access to their computers.


If you have received similar calls, please do not follow the callers' instructions, just hang up and report the number to your telephone service provider. Also, list the telephone number received the fake 01606 area code call from in a comment below.

Here is a list of 01606 telephone numbers the scammers have called from so far:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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