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Recalling the Coolest Driving-School Based Movies of the Time

I always wondered how a particular person feels making a movie. It’s all doable in theory but what actually inspires you to hit new ideas? Most of the time I recall good ideas while taking a shower or eating my cheerios. So I do wonder what inspired the scriptwriters to write a particular movie. Who knows watching these moves can hit a real inspiration to do something unusual and out of the way?

So it happens movies based on driving a car make the audience epically fall in love with them. Even I got the idea for my driving school business plan by watching one of the coolest driving-school-based movies of the time. I'm not even kidding! Let’s face it. The road to expertise is never smooth. You will face challenges more than often. People are often more than frustrated when it comes to driving a car.

And guess what?

Hollywood has a trending notion to take every problem from real life and make a movie on it. Turns out I was able to compile a list of a few driving-school-based movie scripts. Don't believe me?

Keep reading on.

  1. Driver’s ED

The movie takes you way back to 2005. If you have watched this one you’d know that sometimes to achieve the goals is one motivating factor - which we often lack.

A girl in her teens failing a driving test several times is what we are talking about. She wanted a driving license so that she could travel to see her boyfriend. And here comes the real movie plot - the guy volunteering to help as the driving instructor is in love with her!

Now that is saying something for sure. It is rather sweet, isn’t it? The guy is driven by his sense of official duty and is being responsible for training her to drive. But it’s a happy ending movie as you can already imagine.

  1. The Third Killer

As one can imagine from the name; it’s a horror movie. The movie features the salesman going on a mission of using car accidents and killing people in return. The movie plot twist is that he kills the business acquaintances in account with him. So you know where this is heading now.

However, the irony is that he runs out of luck as his name is discovered (spelled backward) after he tweaks it to cover the tracks.

  1. Moving Violation

Yeah, so this one is pretty old. Take a look at the 1980s youth and authority in this movie. The story describes the uncommon clash back in the day among the youth and police, school authorities, and some political figures here and there.

The classic trend of teenagers who take a stance against the abusive police characters really hit it off with the big screen. You can try watching it out to see how driving school comes into the scenario.

Despite it, my favorite one was the Driving School. In case you haven’t seen this one you should. It’s a classic and exciting movie of its own. So take a pick!

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