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Netflix Free Year Scam Subscription - Beware

The "Free Netflix" scam email message below, which claims that recipients can get a one-year Netflix subscription, is just one of the many Netflix scams. Online users who click on the links in the fake email message will be taken to spam or malicious websites where they will be tricked into buying counterfeit products, fake or malicious software, or even taken to phishing websites that steal online account credentials, financial and personal information. Therefore, recipients of the Netflix scam are asked to delete it and should not follow the instructions in it.


The Netflix Free For a Year Scam

Win 1 Year Free Netflix

Good job

You have been selected from thousands of applicants to win 1 year Netflix.

Act quickly! Limited offer. There are only a few of these subscriptions left

Check if you've won

Is There a Netflix 1 Year Free Subscription?

Netflix is not offering the One Year Free trials anymore. Therefore, if you have received such promotions claiming otherwise, they are scams. For a few years, Netflix offered a 30-day free trial for new customers, but the streaming giant shut down the program for good.

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