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Why a Localized Digital Marketing Campaign is Best During The Pandemic

With the recent pandemic still an ongoing worry, and threat to the whole world it has unfortunately made many people realize how much their business may be at risk of closure. The pandemic not only closed many small businesses that thrive on the high streets, or shopping malls, it has also proved that the bigger the business you have the harder you will fall. As the owner of a business no matter what the size of it, comes many responsibilities, from members of staff to your family, until the pandemic it may have never entered your mind what consequences you would face if you had to close it.

The devastation of the pandemic

The devastation has hit many people hard, globally, with many people trying to find ways to keep their company afloat. One of the ways people have tried to save their business or to create another source of income having lost their job is online work. New businesses have been popping up online every day, while the people that have a business already have focused on promoting their company online. When the pandemic hit, people became desperate, resulting in desperate ways to try to make money, even at the cost of other people's livelihoods. Scams, fake news, and fake companies are unfortunately appearing everywhere. Calls from strange numbers , text messages saying your paypal is now on hold and such like are all things that seem to be happening more and more.

Getting your business online successfully

When looking at an online business, unless you know and are aware of how to promote your business accurately, it will be a waste of your time and effort. Promoting your business to your local area in the pandemic is the best way and the most financially efficient way of why you should promote locally. Using a company that can protect your company in many ways, will always be the better team to hire, ensuring you are at the front of the traffic in a search, helping you to design visually attractive websites are all ways to push your business locally all while protecting it safely and securely. Payments online especially need protection so for example if you had to pay a company called Digitrio for online work, you need to know that the money is going to that company and if somehow it is intercepted you are not liable for that payment.

Importance of cybersecurity

Making sure your company has good cybersecurity now is more important than ever. With most people working online the scams and tricks are becoming more advanced. Targeting lonely or vulnerable people on social media is also a way in which people are getting tricked into handing over passwords, bank details, and other various important information. By keeping your business advertised locally it will cut out a lot of the countries that unfortunately scamming is in itself a huge business. Be careful what sites you are joining, making sure they are legitimate before creating passwords, and giving your bank card numbers over, and being aware of what emails you are receiving, is a way to stay safer.

How to recognize unusual behaviour, and how to deal with it

By having a local digital campaign, it is less likely that your business will be seen in other countries. Therefore if you receive a call from England, but live in New Zealand, and have only been selling your goods locally, someone asking for lost bank details will only ring alarm bells. Anything out of the ordinary should flag up when you are mainly only dealing with your local area. Bank statements will show exactly where your money is going and so will invoice, and the bank will flag up any unusual activity.

If you have hired someone to take care of your company, they will be in charge of setting it up, this will include taking care of everything at the beginning, other than your private passwords. Joining websites to help you to recognize online threats and cyber threats will help you in being able to recognize any activity that may not be you. Scammers are clever and somehow manage to trick information out of their target in the most unusual ways. It is what they do so if you are unsure about any phone calls, emails, or inboxes then ask the digital marketing company you have hired. Remember just because someone has asked you a question that you are unsure of does not mean you have to answer them immediately. If someone is very persistent in asking you the same question, it could be a scam.


Whatever the pandemic brought to your company, trying to make the best of the situation now is all that can be done in trying to build up your business. While lots of businesses have suffered in an unthinkable way, some have found a niche in the market locally and have thrived. Making the most of the opportunities that are available at this moment in time, is the only way to ensure your family may have a sustainable income.

Many homes have gone from two wages that were coming into the family home every month, to now only having one with sometimes no other possible help. Having spent savings that took years to build up, making sure what is left or trying to rebuild these savings should not be taken lightly, protecting everything you have worked so hard in achieving is what you need to secure.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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