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An anti-cybercrime community alerting the public. Scam - Fake Elon Musk BTC Giveaway

The website,, which claims they are speeding up the process of cryptocurrency mass adoption, therefore, they have decided to run a 5,000 BTC giveaway or airdrop, is a scam. The scammers behind the fake website are attempting to trick their potential victims into sending them Bitcoins by claiming if they do so, they will get 2 times the amount back. But, if Bitcoins are sent, the sender will never receive the BTC they were promised and will lose their money.

Advertisements ake Elon Musk BTC Giveaway Website

This is the Bitcoin wallet address the scammers are using:

Do not be fooled by the fake transactions on, they are used by scammers to trick potential victims into participating.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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