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Is a Scam or is it Safe? T-Mobile Text

The website address "" is safe. It belongs to T-Mobile and is currently being used to inform T-Mobile customers about a data breach via text. On August 17, 2021, T-Mobile learned that a bad actor illegally accessed personal data. Their investigation is ongoing, but they have verified that a subset of T-Mobile data had been accessed by unauthorized individuals and the data stolen from their systems did include some personal information.


Information involved

The exact personal information accessed varies by individual. T-Mobile have determined that the types of impacted information include: names, drivers’ licenses, government identification numbers, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, and T-Mobile account PINs.

What is T-Mobile Doing?

T-Mobile is relentlessly focused on taking care of our customers—that has not changed. They have been working around the clock to address this event and continue protecting you, which includes taking immediate steps to protect all individuals who may be at risk.

Click the following link to learn more:


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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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