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Is Ringtones32 a Scam? Ringtones 32 Text Messages

If you have received the Danish Ringtones32 text message below, which claims you have subscribed to RingtonesX for $50, appears to be a scam. A lot of online users have received the same message and claimed they have never subscribed or signed up with Ringtones32 or RingtonesX. Ringtones32 allows visitors to download ringtones, but all the ringtones that I have tried to download are free. So, why are people getting these subscription text messages?


The Ringtones32/Ringtonesx Text

Tak , du abonnerer pa RingtonesX for 360 DKK/pr. uge. Til opsigelse,

The text translated to English:

Thank you for subscribing to RingtonesX for $ 50

The website,, goes to, which finally goes to

Ringtones32 Website Located

If you have received the Ringtones32 scam text, please share it in a comment below.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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