Online Threat Alerts (OTA)
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5 Billionth Search Scam Promotion Popup

If the "5 billionth search" scam popup message (see below) appears while you are browsing the internet, please not follow the instructions. This is because there is no Google "5 billionth search" promotion and the fake popup message is being operated by online scammers who are attempting to steal their potential victims' information, which can be used to send them spam, used in identity theft or other scams.


The "5 Billionth Search" Scam

You were evaluated as the winner of today's 5-billionth search. You were evaluated as the winner of today's 5-billionth search query a few minutes ago by our system! Our last winner was Brad Jenkins from Brussels, Belgium, who won a Samsung KU6179 Ultra HD TV on 14.05.2018 with his 5-billionth Search. We are proud to announce that you are our next winner.

Every time the 5-billionth search is reached, we proclaim a winner and reset the counter. You may choose one of three hidden prizes below. In addition, you will be entered in our Hall of Fame and receive a winner's certificate.

Behind every blue cup is a prize. Click on a prize cup to uncover it. For technical reasons, we are not allowed to keep your invitation open for more than 15 minutes. Choose one of the prizes below and follow the instructions on your screen.

Check the comment section for additional information, or share what you know or ask a question about this article, by clicking the 'View or Write Comment' button below.

Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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