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Venmo Gift Scam Text Scam and Survey

The Venmo Gift text below, which claims recipients have received a free gift worth at least $100 for a 2-minute survey, is a scam. The fake text is being sent by scammers who are attempting to trick their potential victims by clicking the link in it. The link will take potential victims to a phishing website that steals account credentials, personal or financial information. Or, it may go to a spam website where visitors will be tricked into buying unwanted services or products.


Venmo Gift Scam Text Scam

+1 (717) 253-6472

Venmo User: You have been selected to receive a free gift worth at least $100 for a 2 minute survey

If you have received the Venmo User Text scam, please share it in a comment below along with the telephone number it came from. This will help info others.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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