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617-812-0138 Fraudulent and Scam Text - 6178120138

The text below from 1410200502 asking potential victims to call 617-812-0138, is a scam. The fraudulent text message falsely claims to be from Bank of America and that it is urgent recipients call the telephone number in the text.


The 617-812-0138 Scam Text Message

FRM: BnkofAmerica 1410200502

SUBJ: Reach-us: Now 617-812-0138.

MSG: BoA: Support: Id 5225.

But, calling the fake Bank of America telephone number (6178120138), will contact the scammers behind the fraudulent text message, who will attempt to trick their potential victims into disclosing their account credentials, personal and financial information, which they will use fraudulently.

Therefore, recipients of the 617-812-0138 text message which appears to be from Bank of America, are asked not to follow the instructions in it, they should just delete it.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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