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Smart Water Decal Scam Car Wrap Advertisement and Fake Check

Online scammers are contacting potential victims pretending to be Smart Water, asking them if they want to wrap their cars in an advertising campaign that pays $500 per week. The scammers will ask their potential victims for their names and addresses. They will then send a check to them. The scammers will then ask their potential victims to cash the check, take their share of the money, and wire the rest to a graphic designer.


But, the fake check will bounce. The wired money will actually go to the scammers behind this fraudulent scheme and the victims will then be left to pay back the bank the wired amount and other charges associated with the processing of the check. Whenever you receive offers that are too good to be true, please do your research before participating, even if the offers seem legitimate.

If you have any information about the Smart Water Car Wrap scam, please share in a comment below.

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