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Is TeslaCoin a Scam or is it a Legit Digital Currency? Tesla Coin Review

The so-called TeslaCoin, which claims to be a new digital currency backed by both the US government and the Tesla company, is a scam. There is currently no Tesla Coin cryptocurrency. Scammers have been using Elon Mush's name and the name of his company in scams for a few years now. Scams before included Elon and Tesla BTC and Dogecoin giveaways. If you see Teslacoin being advertised on social media websites, please do not sign up for it. Do not let the scammers take your hard-earn money.


The TeslaCoin Scam

There is no information about Tesla Coin at Tesla's legitimate website at Before investing in anything regarding Tesla, please go to their legitimate website for information before doing so.

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