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Southwest Airlines Facebook Scam Reward Holiday to Hawaii

The Southwest Facebook scam below linked to a fake Southwest Air Fans Facebook page is circulating like wildfire on the social media website. The Southwest Airlines Facebook scam claims the airline is celebrating a successful year and is giving a paid holiday package to Hawaii for 35 people. The scam then attempts to trick potential victims into sharing it by claiming they need to do so in order to stand a chance of winning.


The Southwest Facebook Scam

Southwest Airlines

Treat your family with a paid trip to Hawaii

We at Southwest airlines are going to reward 35 people with a paid holiday package to Hawaii for five (for you and your loved ones) to celebrate a successful year! On January 2st, we will choose 35 people out of everyone who types "SOUTHWEST" below and then Shares this announcement, each of them will win a holiday package for their family/friends.

But, if potential victims follow the instructions of the scam, type or interact with the fake Southwest Air Fans Facebook page, they will be sent a link that goes to a phishing survey page to complete the so-called process. But, the only thing the page does is gathers personal information or financial information that will be used fraudulently by the scammers behind the Southwest Air Fans scam.

If you want to find out if a Southwest Airlines promotion is legit or not, you can go to the legitimate Southwest Airlines' Facebook page located at to do so.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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