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Amazonidscure Scam Text and Amazon Security Message - Amazonidsecure

Scammer are sending the fake and phishing Amazon text scam from an Amazonidscure or Amazonidsecure account to potential victims. The aim of the scam is to trick potential victims into clicking the link in it which goes to a phishing website that steals account credentials, personal and financial information.


The Amazonidscure Scam Text

A login attempt to your Amazon Shopping was made from an unknown browser. Please make sure the following details are correct before authorizing the login:

Time: 1/8/2023 8:43:11 PM

IP Address:

Browser: Maxthon

Location: New Zealand

If the above details are correct, you can ignore this sms.

If this not you click the following link to update your account.

eb4 .us/b0118b96

If you do not update before 24 hours, your account will be automatically terminated.Axx

Therefore, recipients of a text message which appears to be from Amazonidscure are asked not to follow the instructions in it. They may post it in a comment below along with the telephone number it was sent from to help inform others, and then delete the text message.

Check the comment section for additional information, or share what you know or ask a question about this article, by clicking the 'View or Write Comment' button below.

Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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