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Is Pandoshi a Scam or Legit Website?

I would avoid Pandoshi and their app. It looks like it's a scam. I have deposited, but cannot purchase tokens for the Pambo pre sale as I have the error that I do not have enough ETH for gas, nor can I remove my funds from the wallet to another address as the same error occurs. I have enough eth so it doesn't work. I wouldn't download or use as there is no active support either that I can see.


I found this review in the PlayStore:

"(buyers beware ) Kind of seems like a scam. Didn't realize until I already transferred coins over to the app. I could be wrong but my gut feeling is that this is a rug pull coin after doing some research. Any articles about this coin are paid articles by (pandoshi) just because it's on Yahoo finance doesn't mean it's a legitimate coin. I thought it would be legit because of the app and the play store doing some research before they let them launch this app."

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