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Virus Email - Confirmation of Receipt of Amounts

The email message below: "Confirmation of receipt of amounts", is a fake and has a virus or Trojan attachment that can infect your computer. The email is in Portuguese but I have translated it to English. The malicious attachment is disguised as a receipt to trick potential victims into opening it.


The Virus Email - Confirmation of receipt of amounts

Subject: Confirmação de recebimento de valores

Sr. Contribuinte,

esta mensagem refere-se à NF-E de Serviços Nº - 67342

emitida pelo prestador de serviços:

O valor de 4.870,00 referente ao serviço foi debit.ado com sucesso na conta de vossa senhoria.

Este arquivo deve ser armazenado.

Recibo NFE.287237702-2013 (200,5 kb)



Translated to English

Subject: Confirmation of receipt of amounts

Mr. Taxpayer,

this message refers to NF-Service number - 67342

issued by the service provider:

The value of 4870.00 for the service was successfully debit.ado account in your lordship.

This file should be stored.

Receipt NFE.287237702-2013 (200.5 kb)


The attachment in this email message is stored on the following malicious website with the name NF-E(FRF3T5)

NB: The name of the malicious attachment can change.

The above website is well-known for storing viruses, Trojan horses and other malwares, so please avoid visiting this website or clicking on any link that goes to it.

Never click on an attachments ending with ".com", these are usually virus or other malwares that will infect your computer if you try to open them by clicking on them.

The attachment was scanned and the following threats detected:

Based on the scan results, the malicious attachment is a Trojan horse that will allow hackers to remotely access you computer letting them modify files, steal personal information and install more unwanted software.

If you receive a copy of this email message, please delete it immediately. If you have already opened this malicious attachment, please do a full scan of your computer with the antivirus software installed it.

If you do not have antivirus software installed on your computer, you can click here to use the “Bit Defender” free online scanner to quickly scan your computer for viruses and other malwares.

For a list of email attachments that you should not open, please click here.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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