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"His Parents Cant Afford Surgery So Facebook and CNN are Paying Half of the Expense"

If you asked to comment on, "like", or share the fake Facebook post: "His parents can't afford surgery so facebook and cnn are paying half of the expenses," please do not, because it is a despicable hoax and scam used by scammers to trick Facebook users into "liking", sharing, or commenting on a Facebook page, in order to make the page popular.


The Despicable Facebook Scams

Please Dont Ignore !
His parents can't afford surgery so facebook and cnn are paying half of the expenses
1 like - $1
1 comment - 10$
1 share - 100$

1 Like = 1 $ 1 Comment = 3 $ 1 Share = 10 $
Please Don't Ignore ! :'(13,156 people claimed this offer

Facebook will not or never donate money based on likes, comments, and shares. This is a sick attempt by the page administrators to exploit a picture only for the sake of getting a lot of likes, therefore making the Facebook page popular.

This Facebook scam is similar to the following:

Check the comment section for additional information, or share what you know or ask a question about this article, by clicking the 'View or Write Comment' button below.

Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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