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Phishing IPad Air Giveway Website -

If the message or post below: "a friend showed me a site that is screwed up and giving away iPad," shows up on your Facebook Wall/Timeline asking you to go to the website: or other websites to receive free IPad Airs, please delete the message or post. This is because it is a scam designed to trick Facebook users into visiting the fake website:


The Fake Facebook Message or Post

a friend showed me a site that is screwed up and

giving away iPad Airss and it really worked. he got one and i did too, You guys need to go there and get a few too. here’s the site

add one and it will work.

This scam may take you to the fake Facebook website:, where the cyber-criminals behind it will attempt to steal your Facebook user name and password by asking you to sign in. Once these cybercriminals have your Facebook user name and password, they will use it to hijack your account and use it to send the same or other scams to your Facebook friends.

They may also trick you into sharing the fake website with your friends by asking you to share or "like" the same website before you receive your IPad Air. But, you will never receive what you were promised.

If you were tricked by the Facebook message or post, or think you were, please follow the instructions below:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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