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Do Not Call 1-410-100-001 - the Number is Being Used by Cyber criminals

Do not call 1-410-100-001. The number is being used by cybercriminals in an attempt to steal their potential victims' personal, account and financial information. The cyber criminals do this by sending out phishing text messages like the one below claiming the recipients' cards have been temporarily locked. The phishing message then asks the recipients to call the same number in order to unlock their cards.


A Sample of the Phishing Text (SMS) Message

1 (410) 100-001



MSG: $150.00 credit has been issued to be deducted from your next billing statement. Visit now to apply your credit. Thank you.

If the recipients call the number, they will get an automated message asking them to input all of their personal information, including their social security numbers, bank account numbers and other information the cyber criminals need in order to gain access to their potential victims’ accounts, steal their money and use their accounts fraudulently.

Recipients of the phishing text or SMS message, who have called 1-410-100-001 and submitted to their information, are asked to contact their bank for help and report it to the police.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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