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Netflix Text Scam and Emails: How To Protect Your Account

Cybercriminals are sending out fake or phishing Netflix text and emails to their potential victims in an attempt to steal their account credentials, gain unauthorized access to, hijack and use the accounts fraudulently. So, if you suspect you have received a Netflix scam emails, follow these tips to keep your information safe and secure, and follow the steps below to report the message.


How to Protect Against Netflix Scam

How do I report a suspicious or phishing email or text message (SMS)?

If you received a suspicious or phishing email, forward it to and delete the email. Please include the message header information, which can be found using this Google article.

What should I do if I opened a link in a phishing message or provided personal information?

If you clicked a suspicious link or provided any personal information to a website posing as Netflix, we strongly suggest you do the following:

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