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Is Holland and Lieberman Lawsuit a Scam? Text Invitation Class Suit

The Holland and Lieberman (Holland and Lebowitz) Lawsuit text message below, which invites recipients to take part in a class action suit, is a scam because we could not find any information about this lawsuit that claims to pay out $39,000. This seems to be a phishing scam that is attempting to steal personal information by tricking potential victims into clicking the link in the text that goes to a fake or phishing website.


The Holland and Lieberman Lawsuit Text

[Your Name], I’m Sue Davis from Holland&Lieberman. You’re invited to file in our class action lawsuit. Average payout is $39,000!

The link text goes to this website,, which doesn't have a homepage. And, the website's IP address is located in Hong Kong and is owned by Alibaba China.

If you have received the same text, please do not click the link in it. And, if you have any information about the text, please share by leaving a comment below.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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