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nbn Scam Calls - National Broadband Network Fraudsters

National Broadband Network(nbn) will never call and ask to access your computer or advise you that you’re going to be disconnected. If someone claiming to work for nbn has contacted you trying to sell you an internet or phone service and you’re in doubt, ask for their details, hang up and call your phone and internet provider to check if they’re legitimate. Be aware that the person contacting you may offer a phone number for you ring to “validate” their call. Do not call this number as it is likely someone working in conjunction with the initial caller, pretending to work for nbn. Instead, call your existing provider using the details provided on your provider’s website, your modem, or pre-existing sign-up documentation.


If you have provided financial details (bank account, credit card, or gift card) or personal information to a scammer claiming to work for nbn, you need to:

Things to Look Out For

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