Online Threat Alerts (OTA)
An anti-cybercrime community alerting the public. and Fake Ad Revenue Generating Websites

If you have received e-mail messages with links to the websites below, please do not click on any of them. The websites that the links point to were created by scammers to generate revenue from online advertising. All the links will do, is display pop-up advertisements on your screen. The e-mail messages with these links will appear as if they came an e-mail address from someone you know. This technique is called e-mail spoofing.


The Fake Websites

The website names start with business15*; the scammers are changing the name, therefore, be careful when visiting websites with names that start with business15 and has at the end.

The Fake Websites

The websites are designed to look like a legit News Network website with an article titled "How did this stay at home mom make $13900+/Month". If you click on any of the links on any of the two websites, a pop-up window will appear with an advertisement. The scammers will get paid each time an advertisement is displayed or clicked on.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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