Online Threat Alerts (OTA)
An anti-cybercrime community alerting the public. Hacked and Infected With Citadel Trojan

Security software maker, Malwarebytes, detected that visitors to were redirected to malicious websites that contain the Citadel Trojan. It was later discovered that was hacked and a malicious embedded JavaScript, inserted by the hackers, was responsible for the redirection. Just a few days ago, Apple, Facebook, Twitter and a few other companies were hacked.


Even the White House was almost hacked last year after an employee unknowingly clicked on a phishing link.

The company released the following statement:

This morning, was hacked and embedded with malicious iframe code that spread the Citadel Trojan. It was detected as Backdoor.Agent.RS. The NBC web site was compromised for about 15 min and the actual iframe with the malicious redirect was embedded in a javascript file located on the web server.

NBC is currently working to have the problem fixed.

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