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"3 People Unfriended You" Advertisement Scam

People have told me that they have seen the advertisement "3 People Unfriended You" on my and other popular websites and want to how this advertisement is able to tell that 3 people have unfriended them. A few of those persons told me that they do not have a Facebook or other social networking accounts, so they do not understand why this advertisement was shown to them.


This is how the "3 People Unfriended" advertisement looks:

Is it that persons who have seen the advertisement social networking accounts were hacked? No. Do not be fooled by the advertisement. The advertisement is not able to tell how many people unfriended you. It is just an advertisement with the text or banner “3 People Unfriended You” that the advertiser uses to lure curious website visitors into clicking on his/her ad.

Some advertisers, like this one, use deceptive techniques to drive traffic to their websites. So, when you see a suspicious advertisement like this one, do not let your curiosity lead you astray. A few persons have claimed that their antivirus software blocked this web address indicating that the malware Mal/HTMLGen-A was found, after clicking on the advertisement.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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