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Fake Raspberry Ultra Drops Website

The website is another fake offering to sell the product Raspberry Ultra Weight Drops. The product "Raspberry Ultra Drops" is in demand and scammers are setting up fake websites claiming to sell this product in order to steal their potential victims’ credit card and personal information. Please do not order anything from these websites, unless you want your credit card information stolen.


If the messages below appear on your Facebook Wall, Facebook Timeline, in Tweets (Twitter), in an email message or on other social networking websites, please do not follow the instructions or click on the links in it.

Fake Raspberry Ultra Drops Website Messages:

I lost like 18 pounds in a few weeks by taking these tasty rasp berry drops that a friend showed me. Im very excited at how well this actually worked. You should take a look. Type in this website in your browser without any spaces———– www

Yess visitt “” I shed 13 pounnds in 2weeks


The message or website name may change, so be careful when buying this product online. The website name www.Rasptea.comis one of the hundreds of website names these scammers are using.

For more information about this scam, you can visit the following links:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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