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Facebook Phishing Scam - "You Have Unread Message That Will Be Deleted in 4 Days"

The Facebook notification email message below: "You have unread message that will be deleted in 4 days contributing," is a phishing scam, and was not sent by Facebook. The phishing email message contains links to the malicious website: The malicious website was created by cyber-criminals to steal their potential victims' online account usernames and password, or trick them into downloading malicious software.


The Fake and Phishing Facebook Email Message

Subject: You have unread message that will be deleted in 4 days contributing


A lot has happened on Facebook since you last logged in. Here are some notifications you've missed.

1 message

View Notifications Go to Facebook - -

Now, if you have already clicked on the malicious link, entered your username and password on the malicious website, downloaded and installed malicious software on the same website, please do a full scan of your computer with the antivirus software installed on it and change all of your online accounts' passwords.

If you don’t have antivirus software installed on your computer, please click here for a list of free antivirus software.

If you receive email messages like the one above, go to and sign into your Facebook account and view your notifications from there, instead of clicking on any of the links in the email message.

Check the comment section for additional information, or share what you know or ask a question about this article, by clicking the 'View or Write Comment' button below.

Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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