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"Millions of Thanksgiving Turkeys Recalled - Is Your Family Safe?"

The article below "Millions of Thanksgiving Turkeys Recalled: Is Your Family Safe?," published on fake or news satirical website www.nationalreport .net, is a hoax. The articles on the website are fictional, should not be taken as facts and any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental.


The "Millions of Thanksgiving Turkeys Recalled" Fake News

[National Report] The CDC has confirmed that millions of turkeys have been recalled due to safety concerns over an avian virus that the birds may be harboring. The virus is related to human influenza virus but was thought to lack the ability to infect humans.

However, it appears that the virus has recently developed the ability to move from bird hosts into humans. The results could be studies done with the newly transmissible virus, it showed similar abilities to infect humans as the avian flu virus that killed 50 million people in 1918. Bob Marcer, a CDC epidemiologist, offered the following quote:

We are in a very hazardous situation here. From our sampling efforts, we know that millions of turkeys that have been sold in the last weeks are harboring this virus. The handling, preparation, and eating of these turkeys could infect millions of people during the Thanksgiving holiday.

Follow that with the large crowds of Black Friday shopping and the Christmas shopping season in general, and millions more could be infected through casual contact. We are looking at a holiday season epidemic.

The news article is called news satire, also called fake news, and is a type of a humorous imitation presented in a format typical of mainstream journalism, and called a satire because of its content.

Please remember that not everything that you read on the internet is true. That is why it is important to check with reputable or popular news websites first, to verify the authenticity of the news.

The website a few weeks ago, almost caused mass public panic, after they published some fake stories.

The website is considered a threat because some persons are taking the fake articles that they have published as authentic news, which can cause public panic.

For information about the website, please click the following link:

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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