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"Something Bad Happening in Sydney on New Year's Eve or Christmas Day"

The New South Wales police force has confirmed that the messages below which claim that something bad or a terror attack will happen on Christmas day or New Year's Eve in Sydney, Australia is a hoax. The New South Wales police said that they have not received any such reports and think the message has been designed to create fear in the community. But, what makes this hoax hard for people not to believe, is that 2 people were killed yesterday at Lindt Chocolate Café in Sydney, Australia after a gunman burst into the café and stood hostages. The gunman was later killed by police.


The Hoax: Something Bad Happening in Sydney

"How scary is this, Dad's work mate and his wife found the wallet of a Muslim man that had a lot of money in it & when they returned it to him he said "because you have done me a good deed I will do you a good deed I will do you a good deed and tell you don't be anywhere near Sydney for New Year"

"My brother in law found a wallet on the ground about 1-2 months ago. He told me he called the number he find inside the wallet and the person who came to collect it looked like one of the ISIS members.

When he collected his wallet he told him here is a tip don’t go to Sydney in New Year’s Eve or maybe Christmas"

The New South Wales police force has posted the following information on their Facebook page, which confirms that the message is a hoax:

NSW Police Force

A hoax is circulating about a wallet being found and a person who comes to collect the wallet warning about 'something bad' happening in #Sydney on New Year's Eve or Christmas. Police have received no such reports. We believe the message has been designed to create fear in the community. Please share this hoax alert - don't share the hoax. Anyone who has information about possible signs of terrorism in Australia is urged to call the National Security Hotline on 1800 1234 00.

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