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"This Baby Got In Terrible Care Accident and His Parents Dont Have the Money"

If you asked to "like", comment on, or share the distasteful Facebook post: "This baby got in a terrible care accident and his parents dont have the money to support the surgery," please do not, because it is a despicable hoax used by scammers to trick Facebook users into "liking", sharing, or commenting on a Facebook page, in order to make the page popular.


The Facebook Hoax

This baby got in a terrible care accident And his parents dont have the money to support the surgery so facebook an CNN are willing the pay half the expenses , facebook is donating every like

1 like - 1 $
1 comment - 5$
1 share - 10 $
Like -- Your Smile Turns My Sorrows Into Joy

This hoax is posted on the Facebook page: “Your Smile Turns My Sorrows Into Joy” located at: HerSmileAnujJoy.

I do not recommend “liking”, sharing, or commenting on anything on that Facebook page.

Facebook will not or never donate money based on likes, comments, and shares. This is a sick attempt by the page administrators to exploit a picture only for the sake of getting a lot of likes, therefore making the Facebook page popular.

The baby was not involved in a car accident, but has a condition called Anencephaly, which causes babies to be born with under developed brains and skulls.

Anencephaly is a birth defect that happens very early in pregnancy. It is extremely difficult for the loved ones because mom can carry to full term and have a normal delivery only to face the inevitable hours, sometimes days and sometimes weeks all cases the baby does not survive.

Report any Facebook page that asks you to "Like", Share or Comment on this fake Facebook post or page. If you have shared or "liked" this scam, remove the shared Facebook post from your Timeline or Wall, comment and "unlike" it, because this will help stop the spread of this scam.

Check the comment section for additional information, or share what you know or ask a question about this article, by clicking the 'View or Write Comment' button below.

Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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