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Lou Hulk Ferrigno Dead - Killed in Auto Accident - Internet Hoax

The hoax below, which claims that Lou Ferrigno, an American actor, fitness trainer/consultant, and retired professional bodybuilder, died in a car accident, is another reason why you should always use popular and reputable news websites as your source of information. Lou Ferrigno, best known for portraying the Incredible Hulk, is NOT DEAD, and was not killed in an auto accident. Whenever something dramatic or depressing like the death of someone is posted on social networking or satire news websites please verify it with a reputable news website before posting, sharing, commenting or liking.


Here is the Hoax: Lou Ferrigno Killed in Auto Accident

Lou Ferrigno Killed in Auto Accident

Reports say beloved Lou Ferrigno was killed in a multi-vehicle crash between Santa Barbara and Goleta. He was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics responding to the vehicle accident and was identified by photo ID found on his body. Witnesses say a blue Ford F150 was seen driving recklessly just before the accident and was also seen speeding away after the accident.

A spokesperson for the Santa Barbaria Police Dept.told reporters that Mr. Ferrigno's vehicle rolled several times killing him instantly. They did not have a cause of the accident as of yet.

“We are investigating the cause of the accident and reports of a Ford pick-up truck that may have been involved. At this time we cannot determine a cause though alcohol does not seem to be a factor,” said police chief Rubio Torres.

The vehicle was believed to have been traveling at approximately 60 miles per hour in a 55mph zone at the time of the accident.

Witnesses have stated that Ferrigno's car was being tailgated for a few miles by the Ford truck and at one point passed Ferrigno and slammed on the brakes causing Ferrigno's vehicle to flip several times after hitting a center lane divider.

Police are asking anyone who witnessed the accident or those who may have a better description of the truck reportedly involved to please contact the police.

Additional details and information will be forthcoming as they become available.

The malicious website that these scammers are using is:, which looks similar to the popular news website

Scammers created this hoax to make a particular Facebook page popular, which they will sell to other scammers, spammers, or online marketers with all the public information of the persons who have shared, “liked” or commented on the hoax.

And, once you share, “like” or comment on the page, you will only help them achieve their goal. So, if you have already shared, “liked” or commented on the hoax, please remove the shared post, comment or unlike it, because this will help stop this hoax from spreading to other social networking users.

This celebrity death hoax is similar to the Celine DionWill Smith,ShaggyRapper EminemJackie ChanOprah WinfreyMiley Cyrus and Angelina Jolie hoaxes.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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