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Phishing Scam - "Problem from Your OWA Webmail - Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access"

The email message below: "Problem from Your OWA Webmail ," is a fake. This email message was NOT sent by Microsoft or your company's Microsoft Exchange email administrator.instead, it is a phishing scam designed to steal your Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access or Microsoft Exchange email username and password. So, do not click on the links or follow the instructions in the email message.


Microsoft Outlook Web Access Phishing Scam


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This is to inform you that your OUTLOOK WEB ACCESS mailbox has exceeds it's storage limit and it is generating a continuous error script (code:505) which will slow the email server. You will be unable to receive and send emails if you do not reset your account space.

To reset your Account Space on our system database, prior to maintain your INBOX from 20G to 20.9G. CLICK HERE to Reset and validate your account.


-IT Department

The Outlook Mail Team

The links in this email message will take you to the fake or phishing Microsoft Outlook Web Access webpage below, if you click on them:

It appears as if the website was hacked or compromised and the the malicious page above placed on it.

If you were tricked into entering your user name and password on the fake Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access webpage, please change your password immediately.

If you are unable to change your Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access or Microsoft Exchange email name and password, please contact your email account administrator.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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