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Phishing Scam - "You Have Exceeded Your University E-mail Account Limit Quota"

The email message below: "You have exceeded your University E-mail account limit quota," is a phishing scam. The email message was sent by cyber-criminals, so do not follow the instructions or click on the links within it. The malicious links in the fake email message will take you to a fake website designed to trick the potential victims into stealing your email accounts' usernames and passwords.


The Email Phishing Scam

From: Holcomb, Krystle Marie (krystle.holcomb@wsu .edu)

Subject: Urgent

You have exceeded your University E-mail account limit quota of 250MB and you are requested to expand it within 48 hours or else your University E-mail account will be disabled from our database. CLICK HERE to expand your E-mail account quota to 2GB

Every month, thousands of these email messages are sent out by cyber-criminals to tricktheir potential victims into stealing their usernames and passwords. So, never click on link in an email message to sign into or log on to any of your online accounts..

If you were tricked into clicking the link in the fake email message and have entered your username and password on the bogus website that you were taken to, please change your email account password immediately.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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