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"Attn Customer - Pickup required for your Walgreens-Order at"

The email message below: "Attn Customer: Pickup required for your Walgreens-Order," is a fake Walgreens notification email message, which will take recipients who have clicked on the link in it, to the following fake survey website: "" The fake website, disguised as a Google Chrome Opinion survey, will ask potential victims to complete surveys and send them to different websites, where they will be asked to register for different services, which they will be charged for.


So, recipients of the fake email message should not follow the instructions in it and should delete the message. Also, they should never visit the fraudulent website: ""

The Fake Walgreens Notice Email Message

From: "Walgreens Notice" -
Subject: Attn Customer: Pickup required for your Walgreens-Order

Walgreens....At the Corner of HAPPY & HEALTHY

Alert: - You Have One (1) New Important Account Notice

Customer #384042.

There is One (1) item requiring confirmation for member account-accuracy.

Your new reward points earned are going to expire if they have not been redeeemed by the end of the day 12/15/2015.

Visit Here to Redeem By 12/15/2015

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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