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Lottery Scamming Website - www.megamillionprize .tk

The website: "www.megamillionprize .tk," which scammers claim is a Mega Millions lottery in collaboration with Facebook Promotion, is a fake. The lottery scamming website was created by scammers to trick their potential victims into sending them their personal information and money, by claiming they are lottery winners. Also, there is no Facebook lottery or promotion, so recipients of email messages who claim that they are winners of Facebook lotteries or promotions, should delete the messages and should not follow the instructions in them.


The Lottery Scamming Website: megamillionprize .tk

Please remember, there is no Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Hotmail, Outlook, Microsoft Live, AOL or Samsung lottery. So, recipients who have gotten email messages claiming they are winners in any of the previous listed lottery, should delete the messages because the email messages were sent by scammers attempting to trick their poential victims into sending them money.

Legitimate lottery companies will never ask their winners to send them their personal information or send them money in order to receive their lottery winnings.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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