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Facebook Free Live Video-Streaming Feature Phishing Scams

With the introduction of Facebook live video-streaming feature, online criminals have started creating fake Facebook websites in order to steal Facebook users’ (Facebookers) login credentials, by attempting to trick them into visiting the fake websites with the promise of allowing them to access the free Facebook video-streaming feature. Some of the fake Facebook websites we have located so far are: "" and ""


The image of the fake Facebook website below is in Spanish, please see the translation below it.

The Fake Facebook Website

Facebook Video Application (Free)
Facebook need to confirm the following information to allow access to this application videos, Login!

Facebook need to confirm your age to allow access to this video check your details!

Once the online criminals have lured their victims to the fake Facebook websites, they will ask them to sign-in with their usernames and passwords in order to verify their information or age. But, once the victims enter their Facebook usernames and passwords, it will be sent to the online criminals, who will use the information to hijack their victims’ Facebook accounts, which they will use fraudulently.

Facebook users who were tricked into visiting the fake websites and who attempted to sign into them, please change your Facebook password immediately. Victims of the scam who want to change their Facebook passwords, may click here.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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