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"" - a Fraudulent Website

The website: "," which is allegedly owned by Oriarewo C Inegbedion from Uranium Computers and Communications that claims they can show you how to make thousands of dollars from shares, stocks, or just make money online like an online information marketer, is a scam. The poorly designed website was created by scammers to trick their potential victims into sending them their money, thinking they are investing in a legitimate business. But, once the victims have sent their money, the scammers will just take it and will not contact the victims, unless they want to steal more money from them.


The website is currently promoting two fake products, which it claims will make their victims rich. The products are located at the following website address:

And, we have already received a few complaints from victims who have invested in the two products, by sending thousands of dollars, but are unable to recover their money, months after sending. They were asked to send money using one of the following money transfer services:

But, sending money using the transfer services above will make it impossible for victims to get back their money, after realizing they have been scammed. Unlike a credit card, victims can always dispute transactions with their banks and have their money refunded.

So, please stay away from the website “” and do not follow the instructions on it. If you are already a victim, please report it to the police or your local authority.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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