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Phishing Scam - "Your Email Quota Limit Downgraded!"

Recipients of email messages with the subject: "Your Email Quota Limit Downgraded," should delete and not follow the instructions in them. This is because the email messages are phishing scams sent by cyber-criminals. The phishing email messages contain links that will take recipients who have clicked on them, to fake websites designed to trick them into stealing their email accounts' usernames and passwords.


Every month, thousands of phishing email messages are sent out by cyber-criminals, claiming the recipients' email account quotas have been limited or downgraded, to trickthe recipients into visiting fake or phishing websites, where their email account usernames and passwords will be stolen if they attempt to follow the instructions on the fake websites. Therefore, it is recommended never to click on links in an email message to sign or log into online accounts.

Recipients of the fake or phishing email messages who were tricked into clicking a link in them and have entered their usernames and passwords on bogus websites that they were taken to, should change their email accounts' password immediately, before their email accounts are hijacked and used fraudulently by cybercriminals.

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