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Pornographic Photos Being Used in Facebook Phishing Scams to Lure Victims

Cybercriminals know that the best way to get potential victims to click on their malicious Facebook posts is to show nude photos or thumbnails of people, especially of young hot girls, to their potential victims. Yes, scammers are posting nude pictures of people, with some appearing as videos, which potential victims are clicking on, in an attempt to view. But, instead of the malicious posts displaying a photo or showing a video, they actually go to phishing or fake Facebook websites created by scammers to steal their potential victims’ Facebook usernames and passwords, or go to malicious websites that trick visitors into downloading and installing malicious software or apps disguised as the legitimate ones. Therefore, Facebook users who click on posts and are asked to sign into their accounts after they have already done so, to view a video, picture or some other content, should close the page that they were taken to.


It is important that Facebook users know that they should never click on a link to sign into their accounts. They should go directly to, or use Facebook’s official mobile app instead.

So, Facebook users who come across posts and click on them, and are taken to websites that ask them to sign into their accounts, they should go back to, instead of attempting to sign into the websites. This is because, if they try to sign into the fake websites that are disguised as the legitimate Facebook website, their Facebook account credentials (usernames and passwords) will be sent to the cybercriminals behind the scam, who will use the stolen information to hijack their accounts and they use them fraudulently.

Therefore, Facebook users who have clicked similar malicious posts, and who were taken to websites where they were asked to sign into their Facebook accounts, should change their Facebook passwords immediately. Facebook users who do not know how to change their passwords, may click here to go directly to their Facebook security page, where they will be asked to change their passwords.

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Note: Some of the information in samples on this website may have been impersonated or spoofed.

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